
The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law (IJSLL) is the journal of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) and the International Association for Forensic & Legal Linguistics (IAFLL). It is currently published by Equinox Publishing; the publisher’s IJSLL webpage contains further information about the journal.


Full Members of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) and the International Association of Forensic & Legal Linguistics (IAFLL) receive a subscription to the journal with their membership fee; Student Members may opt in to a subscription. By default, this is an online subscription which allows access to the full back catalogue, but members can also upgrade this subscription to receive physical copies of the journal.  Further information about membership subscriptions to the journal is available on our Membership page, or on the publisher’s subscription page.

Online Access to Articles

Subscribers to the journal receive full access to the online content from current and previous issues. Some material (including articles) from various issues of the journal are available for free to non-subscribers on the archive page on the publisher’s site.

Contents of Journals

A list of published articles with abstracts since 1998 is provided on the archive page on the publisher’s site. The contents of volumes 1 to 4 are not listed on their website but they can be accessed via the early volumes contents page.

Submission Guidelines

People intending to submit an article to the journal should follow the publisher’s submission guidelines.